7 Things You Didn’t Know About me

1. I’m  ambidextrous (I can write with both hands) 

2.  I’ve never been on a plane

3. I hate the color yellow

4. My favorite color is purple but I wear a lot of dark colors

5. I don’t own a dress or a ski

6.  I don’t like milk but I like it with cereal

7.  I’m TERRIFIED of heights

Fish in a Tree Reflection

I think Ally is okay, I think she reacts to quickly to situations when she’s mad and she doesn’t think about it, but it seems like shes a nice person and would be fun to hang out with.

Her classmates seem like normal classmates, crazy at times and serious at times. I find Keisha like able, she seems like the fun silly person to be friends with, she also would be the person to stand up for you if your getting bullied like Ally is.

I like Mr. Daniels he seems like the teacher that you could ask a question too and he wont get mad if you keep asking him. He also seems like the teacher who wouldn’t want to embarrass you in front of the class so that makes me wonder why Ally just doesn’t tell Mr. Daniels that she cant read, I not like he’s gonna be like “OKAY, ALLY NICKERSON CANT READ!”

It’s sorta like real life. Unless Mr. Daniels is blind i’m pretty sure he would have noticed by now that Ally is being bullied by Shay and Jessica and would most likely give a punishment, and in real life a teacher would have probably noticed because they most likely have seen it before or had some experience with it. Also, shouldn’t they have lockers if the’re in 6th grade or are they one of the schools that are like 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th grade are elementary?

An Open Letter to Swimming

Dear Swimming,

You are one of the best things in my life. You may screw up my asthma sometimes but I still love you. I´ve known you since I was 3, and you’ve inspired me to become a professional swimmer. You make me feel like a kid eating sweet candy, happy to have it, and enjoys it for as long as you can. You’ve inspired me to prove to people that I can be a great swimmer with asthma. You’ve become one of my favorite and best sports I play.

 You may be annoying because I have to wake up at 7:00 for practice everyday in the hot summer mornings but I still love you! You may be super cold and give me goosebumps when I get in, and the weird taste of chlorine in my mouth is annoying, but you’re still awesome! When I look at the water for my swim meets I get nervous, but when i’m swimming I love it! Lastly, you are one of the best things in my life and I hope to never let you go.

Love, Lily